If you have an older furnace, you may still have a model that relies on a pilot light for ignition. Manufacturers have entirely phased out pilot light ignition from modern furnaces, but many homes still use older models with these systems. Efficiency is the primary disadvantage of pilot lights; these systems are otherwise fairly reliable and easy to understand.
Of course, the relative inefficiency of pilot lights is no reason to stop using an otherwise operational furnace, so you're probably looking for solutions if your light won't stay out.
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What would happen if you failed to maintain or service your HVAC system? Well, nothing good comes out of negligence. HVAC services are crucial, and you should never take them for granted. Here are the consequences of taking HVAC maintenance lightly.
Low Air Quality
The air quality will be a massive problem if you haven't been servicing your HVAC system. Expect the quality to deteriorate as time goes by. This can be attributed to the dust, pollen, and pet dander accumulating in the ductwork.
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A quality air conditioner can serve you for many years with minimal maintenance. As such, it is hard to tell when you need to start looking for another one. But before your AC completely gives up, it will show some warning signs that it is dying. While some signs may be obvious, others may be hard to note. This article will look at four of the most obvious signs you need a new AC.
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One of the issues that can cause a malfunction of your air conditioner is the ductwork. Therefore, proper installation and constant maintenance of your air conditioner's ductwork is necessary for the functionality of your AC unit. Here are some ductwork issues that air conditioning services can help you resolve.
Poor Indoor Air Quality
Many people are satisfied with the indoor air quality if their AC system keeps the house cool during the summer and warm in the winter.
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The best time to repair your air conditioning unit is when it breaks down. However, with proper maintenance and use of the system, you can choose to only schedule air conditioning repairs during the off-season. When most people are concerned about heating their homes, you could make the smart choice and request a less demanded service like AC repair. This piece will discuss why you should schedule your AC repair during the off-season.
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