5 Ways To Prepare Your Central A/C System For The Upcoming Summer

Summer seems a long ways off, but there's no reason why you shouldn't prepare your central A/C system right now. By prepping your A/C system during the late winter and early spring months, you'll save yourself the expense and aggravation of those last-minute repairs. Here are a few tips you can use to get your central A/C system ready for the first days of summer. Change Your Air Filter This is one of the simplest steps you can take to prepare your central A/C system, but it's also one of the most overlooked. Read More 

Your Options For Cleaning A Dirty Evaporator Coil

Over time, dust, dirt and debris that somehow make it past your air conditioner's air filter can end up on the evaporator coil. Once the coil is clogged full of debris, your A/C may work poorly or stop working at all. To keep this from happening, you'll want to keep a close eye on your evaporator coil and have it cleaned whenever necessary. There are plenty of options for cleaning your A/C system's evaporator coil. Read More 

Gearing Up For Summer? What Preseason Maintenance May Your Air Conditioner Need?

After a long season of short days and chilly nights, you may be looking forward to nothing more than playing sports and relaxing outdoors while soaking up the sun. However, few events can kill this excitement for hot weather more quickly than turning on your air conditioner to find that it no longer functions. In addition to testing out your air conditioner unit well before hot weather hits, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk that your a/c will fail at an inopportune time. Read More 

How the Evaporator Coils in Your AC System Might Be the Reason Your System is Not Running Properly

A central air conditioning unit contains many important parts, including the evaporator coils, which are located inside the indoor part of your system. If these coils are not working properly, you may experience problems with your air conditioning system. Here are three things you should know about the evaporator coils in your AC system. The Purpose of the Coils The evaporator coils are typically located behind a panel or door on your AC system. Read More 

How Do Geothermal Heat Pumps Work?

If you are looking for ways to reduce your environmental impact, you have probably heard that a geothermal heat pump can greatly reduce the energy usage in your home. However, without any understanding of how these systems work, it can be difficult to determine whether or not this system will work well in your home. Underground Temperatures When people think on geothermal energy, they think of the electricity that can be produced by using an underground hotspot to boil water. Read More