The Importance Of Changing Your AC Air Filter

Changing your air conditioner's air filter is one of the easiest things you can do to keep it in great shape. Unfortunately, it's also the one thing that many homeowners forget to do, resulting in a wide range of performance and comfort problems. Learn why it is so important to have your AC system's air filter property replaced on a regular basis. What Happens If You Don't Change Your Air Filter? Read More 

Keep These Landscaping Tips in Mind for Your Outdoor A/C Unit

When it comes to your backyard landscaping, you might not give much thought to your A/C system's outdoor condenser unit. However, the foliage that grows around it can have a dramatic effect on its performance and longevity. Here are a few tips you can use to help your A/C unit in shape while shaping up your backyard. Keep a Clear Path for Airflow Your outdoor A/C unit is all about removing heat from your home, so there needs to be plenty of airflow to help carry the heat away from the outdoor unit. Read More 

3 Reasons A Ductless Mini-Split System Is The Best Option For Additions

If you are getting ready to place an addition on your home, you might be contemplating what type of heating and air conditioning system to use for this space. If so, you might want to consider choosing a ductless mini-split system. This type of system is ideal for additions, and you can talk to a heating and air conditioning contractor about this. Here are three of the main benefits these systems offer over other options you could choose for your addition. Read More 

3 Ways To Heat And Cool A Home Addition

If your dream is coming true to finally put an addition on your house, you will probably be very excited and overwhelmed. There are a lot of decisions to be made with home additions, and one big one is how you will heat and cool this new space. There are a variety of options you can choose from, but it is always wise to consult an air conditioning contractor before making your final decision. Read More