DIY Fixes for Your Broken Air Conditioner and When to Call a Pro

Air conditioners are a lifeline in the sweltering summer heat. But when they break down, it can be more than just an inconvenience. It can be downright unbearable. Before you rush to call a professional, there are a few DIY fixes you can try. However, it's crucial to know when it's time to turn the task over to a pro. Learn about some simple solutions and indicators for professional intervention.

DIY Fixes for a Broken Air Conditioner

  • Check Your Thermostat: This may seem obvious, but often, the issue is as simple as incorrect thermostat settings. Ensure it's set to "cool" and the temperature is lower than the room's current temperature.
  • Inspect Your Circuit Breaker: If your AC isn't turning on at all, it may be due to a tripped circuit breaker. Check your electrical panel and reset the breaker if needed.
  • Change or Clean the Air Filters: Dirty or clogged air filters restrict airflow, causing your AC unit to freeze or stop working altogether. Regularly cleaning or replacing your filters can solve this problem.
  • Clean the Condenser Coils: The outdoor unit of your AC contains condenser coils that can gather dirt and debris over time. This can reduce the system's efficiency or cause it to overheat. Gently clean the coils with a garden hose, making sure the unit is off before you start.
  • Unclog the Drain Line: The drain line is for removing condensation produced by your AC. If it's clogged, it could cause water to back up into your home or make your AC run inefficiently. You can unclog it by using a wet/dry vacuum.
  • Remember, safety first! Always turn off and unplug your AC before performing any maintenance tasks.

When to Call a Professional

While these DIY fixes can solve minor issues, certain problems require the expertise of a professional. Here's when you should consider calling in the pros:

  • Frequent Cycling: If your AC is constantly turning on and off, it could indicate a larger issue that a professional should address.
  • Persistent Noises: While some noises are normal, persistent sounds like grinding, squealing, or rattling could mean there's a problem with the motor or other components.
  • Leaking Refrigerant: If you notice a leak or your AC isn't cooling your home as effectively as it used to, you might have a refrigerant leak. This requires professional repair and handling.
  • Electrical Issues: If you suspect the problem is electrical, such as faulty wiring or control failure, it's best to call a professional. Electrical issues can be dangerous if not handled correctly.
  • No Cool Air: If despite all your efforts, your AC is still not cooling, it's time to call a pro. This could indicate a serious issue like compressor failure.

While some small issues with your air conditioner can be handled with a little DIY know-how, it's important to recognize when a problem is beyond your skills and requires professional attention. Regular maintenance can also prevent many common issues, keeping your AC running efficiently and prolonging its life. So, stay cool and remember — sometimes calling a pro is the best DIY move you can make!

Contact a local air conditioning contractor to learn more.
