5 Problems That Might Prevent Your Furnace From Operating Correctly

Your furnace is a vital component of your home, but it can only provide the heat you need when it's free of problems. You can expect a furnace to experience issues occasionally, and some might require hiring a company that offers furnace repairs. When your furnace will not start or has some type of issue, you can hire a company to fix it. Here are five common problems that you might have with your furnace that prevents it from working properly.

1. The Ignition

Did you know that every furnace has an ignition? The ignition causes the furnace to start running when needed, but your furnace will not start if the ignition has issues. The most common type of ignition on a furnace is a pilot light. The pilot light is a small flame that stays lit all the time. If this light goes out, your furnace cannot produce heat. Some furnaces do not have pilot lights, but they have other types of ignitions instead. If you are unsure about your furnace's type, you can ask a furnace repair company. If you suspect that this is the problem that is preventing your furnace from running, you will need to contact a company that offers furnace repairs.

2. The Heating Coils

Your furnace contains coils that a furnace company might call a heat exchanger. This set of coils plays a vital role in your heating, but it can also prevent a furnace from working. When your furnace kicks on to make heat, it pushes air through these coils. These coils take the air and heat it before sending it back into your home. When these tubes are not operating correctly, they cannot heat the air that comes through. The heating coils in your furnace can crack or wear out. A furnace technician will check them to see if this is the problem. If so, they will fix or replace the coils as needed.

3. Blower Motor

The next problem your furnace might develop involves the blower motor. A blower motor is the part in your system that forces the heated air into your house. When this motor wears out or stops working properly, it will not be able to push the air into your house. The blower motor contains several key parts, including ball bearings. If these wear out, you might hear loud sounds coming from your system.

4. The Thermostat

The fourth thing to consider is your thermostat. If your thermostat is not working correctly, your furnace will not work properly either. The trouble is that it is not easy to know if your thermostat is bad. You can set the furnace to the "heat" setting and turn up the temperature. If your furnace does not come on, how can you know if the problem lies in the thermostat? You probably will not know this yourself, which is why you might need to call a furnace repair company.

5. Bad Furnace

There is also a chance that your furnace is worn out from age. Most people do not want to replace their furnaces until they need to, as this is expensive. If you replace your furnace, though, you will have to invest in the new system, but you might save money in other ways. A new furnace operates more efficiently and experiences fewer problems. If you suspect this might be the problem, you can ask a heating technician about the signs that indicate you need to replace your system.

When your furnace is not working, what can you do? The best thing to do is to contact a local company that offers furnace repairs, as they can diagnose and repair your system. 
